We had more submissions than we expected, so THANK YOU! We really appreciate you taking the time to fill out the survey. We’ve randomly selected TWO winners! Both win $25 gift certificates from Electric Quilt! Congratulations to Caryn Sakaguchi and Raye Gregor! We will be contacting you via email with your prize.
Congratulations to these award winners and authors.
Survey Winners!
Posted 10-15-2013 by Electric Quilt | Posted in: Congratulations Contests
Fall EQ Blog Hop WINNER!
Posted 10-08-2012 by Jenny | Posted in: Congratulations Contests
The lucky winner of the Fall EQ Blog Hop is Patricia L. of Quilting Lines who said: “I visited all the blogs and left a comment on a couple. I did it on different days so I don’t remember exactly which ones. Great giveaway. I’ve been a Judy Martin fan for many years!” Congratulations Patricia! She is the lucky winner of an Electric Quilt 7 and Judy Martin Star Power prize pack. Thanks to everyone who entered and visited the participating blogs. If you didn’t get a chance to see all the wonderful projects these bloggers had to share, go check them out! SewCalGal Beaquilter Marjorie’s Quilting Bee Curious Orange Cat Love Bug Studios Kissed Quilts Bits & Pieces I Quilt Scarlett & Grey
BlockBase Giveway WINNERS!
Posted 09-10-2012 by Jenny | Posted in: Congratulations Contests
Wowza! We had over 5500 entries for the BlockBase Giveaway. I’m so excited about the response we’ve received about the sew along. I hope you’ll all be back on October 1 when we announce the first block! Without further ado, our 5 BlockBase software winners are: Toni Sullivan Carolyn Browning Franziska Whitehead Robin House Ann Blazer Congratulations! I’ll be sending out an email to our winners shortly. [WINNERS- if you do not hear from me in the next 24 hours, please send me at email: jenny@electricquilt.com] For more details about the upcoming BlockBase Sew Along, click here. Grab a blog badge and spread the word! We start sewing on October 1! [html] <a href="https://doyoueq.com/blog/blockbase-sew-along-announcement" title="quilt block designs, free quilt designs, quilt pattern blocks"> <img src="https://doyoueq.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/bb_badge1.jpg" alt="BlockBase Sew Along Blog Badge" width="150" height="150" /> </a> [/html]