Last year around this time we realized that we’ve had some new employees added to the staff, so it was the perfect time for another EQ sewing day! We wanted to make sure everyone knows how to sew and quilt. Jenny was our fabulous teacher!


And we all had fun learning!

As you may remember, we had a contest to pick a color scheme for a quilt, and throughout the year we’ve each sewn a block. (If you’d like to sew along, the project and more details are available here.)

Janice was nice enough to assemble the quilt!


For now, we’re going to hang the quilt in the office and admire our hard work! Eventually we’ll be donating the quilt. I designed (in EQ8, of course) a label and printed it on our Inkjet Fabric. The label has a QR code that links to the Sew-Along series so that once it’s donated, whoever ends up with it can read the story behind the quilt.

Here we are with the finished quilt!

We hope you enjoyed getting to know us a little better! We enjoyed being able to quilt at work! ;)