Ever notice there are not a lot of embroidery designs that are dedicated to boys/men? Most are of pretty things like flowers. Embroidered designs for males seem to be more text than pictures. You can create your own series of designs for men and create a library of designs for men in the EQStitch program.
Open your EQStitch program.
Click on the work on stitching worktable icon.
Click on LIBRARIES>Stitching Libraries
Click on the My Library Heading at the top of the Stitching Library box.
Click on add library and then type in a new name for your library.
Click on the OK to have the library added to your My Library .
Click on the style 1 subheading and right click> modify style to change the name.
Type in a new name for the style. Click OK to set the new name for the style. I named mine airplanes because I know I have all ready created some stitch files that were airplanes in another project.
Click on the word import at the bottom of the stitching library box and navigate to the project folder where you created and saved your designs.
Open the project folder by clicking on it to select it and then click on the word open.
Scroll through your designs until you find the one you want and click on it. It will have a blue box around it to show it is selected. Click on the word copy at the bottom of the library box.
Click on the my library heading again and make sure you are in the heading you named for your style 1. Click on the word paste at the bottom of the library box. Your design is now on your own My Libraries tab in the Stitching Libraries box.
You can access your personal library from any project you are working in currently. There is no need to hunt for designs you know you all ready have. Just click on LIBRARIES>Stitching Library>My Library and all your designs will be there by the category you assigned them to.
After you have added all the designs you want in this library, click on ‘save library’ at the bottom of the box.
5:03 pm
I haven’t bought EQStitch and I’m considering the whole commitment to Embroidery arts. I read and enjoy your Sunday Stitch nevertheless.
A question came up in a EQ7 USERS GROUP, can you clarify (?) when you create embroidery-applique in EQStitch and saved it to the Project Sketchbook, then, does that “live” in the Embroidery Section of the Sketchbook and, can you see an EDIT button there? or does it live in the Block Section where there is already an EDIT button? or – can’t you Edit the saved embroidered/applique back to the Embroidery-applique Stitch work table? One User who got EQStitch says she sees the saved applique/embroidery in Sketchbook but there’s no Edit button? – TYIA
11:45 am
Yes you save your created embroidery design to the sketchbook. It is under the Stitchings heading. Click on the heading and then click on the embroidery design in the sketchbook to select it. Now click on the edit button at the bottom of the box and it will appear on the stitch table it was created on. Now edit it from there. Easy!
4:56 pm
Oh, I see, Stitchings heading, thank you for the explanation. I really appreciate your blog, Sunday Stitch, so very much. Thank you!