The Set Thread Tool
The Set Thread tool allows you to add thread to blocks, motifs, stencils and your entire quilt. This feature makes your finished quilts and blocks look more realistic.
Using the Set Thread Tool
1. Click on a thread in the palette to select it.
2. Choose from any of the thread properties to make the thread more realistic.
3. Click on the stencil, motif, or block to color the patch.
4. Click Add to Sketchbook
to save the new block coloring in the Sketchbook.
Please note:
- If you choose to modify your thread using the thread properties, be sure to put a check in the white box to select the property first. If you change the thread style or weight without checking the white box, the property will not be implemented.
- To color the same patch in all the blocks of your quilt at once, hold the keyboard Ctrl key while clicking with the Set Thread tool. To color the same patch in alternating blocks of your quilt at once, hold the keyboard Alt key while clicking with the Set Thread tool.
- The Set Thread tool is available on all layers.
Using the Set Thread Flyout Tools
You can use either the Graph Pad or the toolbar to access these tools.
Graph Pad
The Set Thread options will display on the Graph Pad when you have the Set Thread tool selected.
(Be sure the Graph Pad is turned on by clicking VIEW on the top menu and making sure there is a check mark next to Graph Pad. These tools will display on the Graph Pad on any layer of the Quilt worktable.)
The Set Thread tool that you see on your Quilt toolbar (right side of the worktable) has a small black triangle next to the thread image. This indicates that the tool is a flyout, which means there are more options available for this tool.
To view these tools on the toolbar:
1. Click and hold the Set Thread tool that is currently visible on the toolbar.
2. The flyout will appear showing all the available tools.
3. Release the mouse and move it to the tool you want to use. Click the tool.
4. The flyout will disappear and the new tool will be selected and ready for use.
Using the Brush Thread Tool- The Brush Thread tool sets thread one patch at a time.
Using the Spray Thread Tool- The Spray Thread tool sets thread in all identical patches in a block at once.
Using the Swap Thread Tool- The Swap Thread tool sets thread in all patches on the quilt at once.
• If you’d like a reminder of this and other tools in EQ7, check out the
Display Dynamic Help tool.
• To print this: Click the title (Tool Tip Tuesday! - The Set Thread Tool) and then print as normal.
7:17 am
Thank you for the Tool Tip Tuesday’s, they are very helpfull.
11:05 am
korean version
5:15 pm
Did you create these, or did you import as an embroidery file, *.exp? Wonderful!
Reason I ask: On my system, even with Style and Weight selected, The Set Thread Tool does not change the appearance of the embroidery on a block.
However, if I create a Motif in EQ7, the applied thread properties can be changed. This suggests that something in the imported *.exp file causes the tool to not work. To be fair, I used 5D Design Creator to convert and import files in the *.exp format. That said, I am unable to change thread properties on embroideries imported from the Embroidery Library.
9:30 am
Hi Al,
The first block with the flowers is a stencil from the EQ Library placed on Layer 3. The butterfly is a motif placed on Layer 2. Pretty simple (and not involving EQStitch)…
If you’re having trouble with your styles and weights showing up correctly you know Tech Support ( will be happy to help
12:19 pm
Thanks for the tool tip!
2:02 pm
Thank you, Heidi. I will try again, to make sure I can change the threads when I use embroideries imported in the *.exp format.
I will let you know my results. Thank you again for this awesome Tool Tip Tuesday!
8:02 pm
I have EQ7 and I don’t have the set thread tool. How do I get it on my EQ7 toolbar? I’ve added quilting stencils to the quilt and would like to see how it looks with different colors of thread but for some reason I don’t have the set thread tools?