Bea Lee is a long time EQ7 user. We have previously featured her on our blog, and she’s also an EQ Artist!
Bea was introduced to quilting in 2004 at a church class, but it took a few years for her to get hooked. Her passion took hold when she started making charity quilts and entering quilt shows. Now, her quilts have been published in numerous magazines and she says, “I couldn’t have done this without EQ!”
She writes EQ7 Tutorials on every other Tuesday, and she has been doing so since 2012. So, there are a lot of lessons to choose from!
How to Modify a Layout From a Magazine
How to Make a Rail Fence Border
How to Download Fabrics into Library
How to Make a Flying Geese Wreath
Making and Saving Custom Blocks
Making Serendipity Blocks
Making a Sampler Quilt
Picture Quilts
Creating Quilt from a Block
Hexie Baby Blocks Fun
Feathered Star Quilt
All those are included and 65 more! Including how to determine is a quilt is fat quarter friendly, making a pattern and numerous lessons involving Accuquilt GO! Dies.
So much helpful information on a wide variety of topics! Go check it out!
11:04 am
Thank you! I’m always ready to learn something new about EQ. Have a super day!
8:48 am
Thanks for showing this!
(my tutorials are every other Tuesday)
I’m running out of ideas!! feel free to suggest anything
3:29 pm
Thanks Bea! I’ve updated it